Students of year 11 will be sitting for a Mock and Annual examination during their ICT lessons in January/February 2018. This annual exam will be entirely on MS Databases (using MS Access 2016) and will be carried out on the computer as per schedule below:
Mock Exam
Monday 22nd January 2018: 11.02 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
Wednesday 24th January 2018: 11.04 (7th lesson 13:06-13:46), 11.01 (8th lesson 13:46-14:26)
Friday 26th January 2018: 11.03 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
Annual Exam
Monday 29th January 2018: 11.02 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
Wednesday 31st January 2018: 11.04 (7th lesson 13:06-13:46), 11.01 (8th lesson 13:46-14:26)
Friday 2nd February 2018: 11.03 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
Buffer Week
Monday 5th February 2018: 11.02 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
Wednesday 7th February 2018: 11.04 (7th lesson 13:06-13:46), 11.01 (8th lesson 13:46-14:26)
Friday 9th February 2018: 11.03 (3rd lesson 09:35-10:15)
More will be explained during the ICT lessons in the coming weeks.