I will be available for answering any questions/difficulties not only during the lesson, but also during morning breaks (Mon,Wed,Thu and Fri) and also during Mid-day breaks (Mon, Wed, Thu and Fri). Therefore if you want to ask something, since we only meet once a week, you don’t have to wait 7 days to ask me – feel free to come on these days and times in computer lab 4 (107).


Besides this website, it is important to keep an eye on another 2:


http://schoolnet.gov.mt/liceohamrun – this is the main website of our school. Here you will be able to find information on what is going on in our school. It is the main portal for students and parents to keep track of what is going on at school


http://sgpc.skola.edu.mt – remembering that we are part of a college, it is important to also know what is going on in our college.

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